Posts tagged style

It would soooo be Nicole Richie....

Latest obsession is her purple hurrr. If we thought only Kelly Osborne could carry off the purple rinse, we were so very wrong. Not only is she uber stylish, she also owns a jewelry line House of Harlow.

Who would have thought all those years ago, Nicole would end up one of our biggest style crushes. Look, we loved 'The Simple Life' who didn't? But we have to admit some of Nicole's fashion statements were something to be forgotten. Much like our Kappa jacket, boob tubes (as mini skirts) and peddle pusher stage. So we won't reminisce, but we will celebrate this gorge transformation. We are not talking weight. Who cares she used to have a little puppy fat, but more to the point... look how freaking stylish she is... All hail Nicole Richie... WE LOVE YOUR STYLE...

Growing up... getting old!

Your reaching the big 3 0, your not getting ID'd like you used to, you start asking for olives as a starter and drinking flat whites on your break. You even... dare I say it, would rather have a nice dinner with a glass of red than a pack of squares and a shot before you head out. You buy things like antipasti and say things like, 'gosh, I need a massage' and you realise that suddenly your a grown up. A what? A fully fledged grown up? Ok so not quite fully fledged... We still do a wash load more than once (never three) sometimes three... We still find 'keeping up with the Kardashians' to be good tv, we still waste money we should be saving for a mortgage on that top we will only wear once... and then you realise your stuck... between wanting to be a grown up and wishing also that you didn't need to call the plumber, iron your clothes and do admin on a Saturday.(we never iron our clothes)  But if we are going to have to grow up,  we wanna do it in style. So a walk in closet... tick, classy tea cups we will never use... tick, white chic 'everything' that will be totally impractical to live in... check, fluffy bean bag that will definitely cost more than the bed... check, a sofa so pretty we only look at and never sit on and a house, one that's not so old it falls apart but so new that it has no character. One that's close enough to the tube but not extortionately priced for such a luxury. One that's elegant, tidy, clean, homely and the home we always dreamed of... check? We don't want much. But we can always dream..

and of course blog about it.

The Golden Globes

She would not run around kissing Zooey Deschanel and grinning scary grins at Leo across the table (THE Leo you dreamed of after watching Titanic and despised Rose for just 'letting him go') Nor would she run up to Lupita and stroke her arm because her skin just looks Oh so soft... What, Bobbie wouldn't tell Jennifer Lawrence how they had the same shoes? Except hers are probably really expensive and Bobbies were from Zara and she got them in the sale...

Erm, no, no, no. Bobbie would obviously fit right in. She would smile sweetly at Jared Leto and she'd softly say 'excuse me' to get passed Christian Bale and when he steps on her toe, she doesn't squeal and flap about, she just says 'no worries' and moves on to her table where she sips her champagne. She does not gulp it down and ask for another, nor does she get her phone out and take snaps all night for instagramming. Bobbie laughs when Jesse from Breaking Bad tells her a joke and then has an intellectual debate with Chiwetel...

OK OK we get it, it's not like we would do any of that stuff either, at all, ever...

Bobbie would however have some fav moments that she would bank. His smile, her shoes, their chemistry... Oh yes, she would never miss some good old fashioned chemistry.

Hurrah, Hooray, we've picked ours and Bobbies best bits from last nights event, the first of many awards style favs.

The Make up

The class

The hair

The bump

The man

The guilty pleasure

The beauty

The couple