Free Fanni Packs
(Not actually free lol)
Training Pack
*4 week gym OR home program (3 or 4 days a week) CORONA SPECIAL
*12 week progressions so you can come back and purchase thought out long term progress
*Downloadable PDF
*Google docs export to fill in as you go
*Video Tutorials with voice over coaching
*Access Facebook group
*Video Tutorial advice on training
*25pg Training Guide
£4.99 per week
Training & Nutrition Pack
*4 week gym OR home program (3 or 4 days a week) CORONA HOME SPECIAL
*12 week progressions so you can come back and purchase thought out long term progress
*Downloadable PDF
*Google docs export to fill in as you go
*Video Tutorials with voice over coaching
*Access to Facebook group
*100+ pgs 3 x Nutrition, Training & mindset Guides
*Video tutorial advise on nutrition and training.
*A nutrition and mindset tracker
*Tutorial on how to get your personalised macros and targets for a “well” lifestyle