Day 1 Balance isnt linear. Change the idea. let go of the extremes/perfectionism. What benefits you get from what you like doing. Dropping our expectations & attachments. Write down your expectations.

Day 2 Be curious! Why do we have these expectations? What do these expectations bring me? What does reaching that goal, mean to me? Who will I be if I reach my goals? If i’m heard then… I am understood? Not dismissed? What are we feeling we lack in?

Let go of the expecations. Behaviour change. Enjoy those. What actually makes me happy


Process V goal. What do you really Want to do… how do you really want to act? Cross out what you dont like. Or cannot see a positive from

Whats on your plate and why its nourishing for you. How many days can I train if things hit the fan

Language. I am V I have behaved… I am a failure V I have implented unuseful behaviours.